Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Running a risk here...

            There is something that has been on my mind for a while. Now, what I am going to talk about is not about any particular race. In fact, what I want to speak on is about a particular group. I am in no way, shape, or form a racist, but, I am definitely a selectist. Yes, I know this is not a real word, but it fits the views that I hold. I like all races, but I do not like a certain selection of people.

            What kind of people am I talking about, you may be wondering. Well, I suppose that is the point of this post. I see these things happen in real life, I see it happen online, I hear it happen in other peoples lives. The people I am speaking of are the one's who believe they are (pardon my language) *tough sh!t. I see (and hear) them yelling and cussing on their phones, and at each other, and those around them. I READ the comments and accusations they leave ONLINE. I hear of the influences they are leaving on other people. People, please. Why, WHY do you have this mind set that you are above society? Why must you go around, believing you are "walking the walk, and talking the talk" when in fact, you are doing nothing more than degrading yourself? I can not wrap my mind around it.

              I know I am not perfect, I am far from it in fact. I will also openly admit that to anyone that cares to ask. Yes, I cuss on occasion, yes I do get mad at people, yes I do leave snitty statuses on my facebook on occasion. But never, Ever, has this become, nor is it about to become, a life style for me. The people that I see on a regular basis, my personal opinion is that they are not happy unless they can fit a cuss word in between every other word that passes through their lips. I am sorry, but I was not aware that there was a new language out there. I am aware of Italian, French, Japanese, and Spanish languages, but I didn't know that Ignoramus was added to the list. (On a side note, please stop clapping your hands to emphasize every word you deem worthy to speak)

             Moving on to the internet, these people seem to get a perverted joy out of telling someone that they are being hypocritical, or they do not know what they are talking about, or that they would not tell said person what they typed to their face. Really? If  I may say so, I will pull the "calling the kettle black" card out. I do not see why you can not hold on to your opinion until you see the offender at a later date. If you have a problem with what was said, please, just tell them to their face what it is that bothered you. Please, do not turn around and leave a long winded paragraph, complaining to the offender of the same thing that you are doing too! I would also like to add, if you find it necessary to reply right then and there, please oh Please spell what you are saying correctly. If that can not be accomplished, at lease use correct grammar. You are not going to get very far with whatever point you are trying to make when no one can understand what you are saying, much less the person who offended you. If you do not like what they are doing, stop adding to the drama, and delete them off your page, your email, your blog, whatever it is that you are stalking them on. (If you believe that I could not want to say this to someone in person, I will be more than happy to show otherwise. I am not one for fighting, nor do I plan on getting into a fight. If you believe that what is being discussed can not be settled in a civilized manner, then do not discuss it with me, because I KNOW I can talk about things civilly. It is who I am.)

          All in all, if you can not come down off of your high horses, then do us all a favor and remove yourself from our society, because you obviously do not wish to interact with those that are below your own social level.
         And just to prove that I am not perfect, I will now demonstrate the childishness that I have the potential to portray.
         Pffft!! on you.

         :) Nomers

*I realize I used an inappropriate word and then proceeded to speak about those who use inappropriate words. Let me clarify what the point I was trying to make there. 1) Any other term would have been an understatement and 2) When I say that they are yelling and screaming at each other, while using these terms, I mean they YELL AND SCREAM AT EACH OTHER, WHILE USING THESE TERMS. If they can be heard from across a COLLEGE CAMPUS PARKING LOT (this is a big parking lot), while walking into a building full of average volumed people, then they may be acting out just a tad bit. This is what was meant when I used a term to describe the people using same said term.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Turning Problems in Potentials...

At church today (2/26/12), the subject of Faith was discussed. There are two ways to see the world. One is to look through the eyes of the flesh while the other is to view through the eyes of Faith. To see through the eyes of the flesh, we look upon the problems that occur frequently in life. These eyes see life as too big and fear what potential it holds. These views hold the "I can't do that" mind set or a sense of fear, in varying degrees. This second view, The eyes of Faith, holds a more optimistic view of our world. These eyes see how big life is, or has the ability to be. They see the potential for all the things that can occur or can be accomplished. The bearer of these eyes are filled with flame, rather than fear. They know that what they can not control does not have to consume them, that it is in fact controlled by God and that he has a plan for what will, or may, occur.

I bring this up because I am trying to keep the eyes of faith. So many things can happen in just a few years time, but just as much can change in the same span of said time. I will admit it, I am scared to death of some of this and that and the other. Is it not human nature to be afraid of change?As much as I would love to be in control of my life, and as much as I would love to make things happen how I would wish them to happen, I have neither of these options. And not having that control leaves me feeling unsteady and unsure of which path is the right one to take. As if I was not frightened enough. BUT, as I stated earlier, I am trying to maintain the eyes of Faith. God has a general idea of what lays ahead of me and knows what happens outside of my known path that could affect me (ripples in a pond), so I am trying my hardest to place it all in His hands, and to let go of it myself. I know that he will use the people in my life to help guide me, and the places he has placed me in could very well assist me.

A lot of people have told me a lot of things as I have gotten older. "College will be hard" "Working will be tough" "Balancing a check book...Taxes....Bills...etc" and etc and etc and etc. This really isn't as bad as everyone made it seem to be. It is just another part of life to me, to be honest. What I want to know is, why did no one feel the need to inform me of the everything else!! I do not know what to call it. Basic life necessities such as work and school, that is one that, that I can handle with ease. It is just everything outside of that, that is what has me about ready to go climb in a box and never come out again. Again, eyes of Faith.

Lord, help me.