Sunday, February 26, 2012

Turning Problems in Potentials...

At church today (2/26/12), the subject of Faith was discussed. There are two ways to see the world. One is to look through the eyes of the flesh while the other is to view through the eyes of Faith. To see through the eyes of the flesh, we look upon the problems that occur frequently in life. These eyes see life as too big and fear what potential it holds. These views hold the "I can't do that" mind set or a sense of fear, in varying degrees. This second view, The eyes of Faith, holds a more optimistic view of our world. These eyes see how big life is, or has the ability to be. They see the potential for all the things that can occur or can be accomplished. The bearer of these eyes are filled with flame, rather than fear. They know that what they can not control does not have to consume them, that it is in fact controlled by God and that he has a plan for what will, or may, occur.

I bring this up because I am trying to keep the eyes of faith. So many things can happen in just a few years time, but just as much can change in the same span of said time. I will admit it, I am scared to death of some of this and that and the other. Is it not human nature to be afraid of change?As much as I would love to be in control of my life, and as much as I would love to make things happen how I would wish them to happen, I have neither of these options. And not having that control leaves me feeling unsteady and unsure of which path is the right one to take. As if I was not frightened enough. BUT, as I stated earlier, I am trying to maintain the eyes of Faith. God has a general idea of what lays ahead of me and knows what happens outside of my known path that could affect me (ripples in a pond), so I am trying my hardest to place it all in His hands, and to let go of it myself. I know that he will use the people in my life to help guide me, and the places he has placed me in could very well assist me.

A lot of people have told me a lot of things as I have gotten older. "College will be hard" "Working will be tough" "Balancing a check book...Taxes....Bills...etc" and etc and etc and etc. This really isn't as bad as everyone made it seem to be. It is just another part of life to me, to be honest. What I want to know is, why did no one feel the need to inform me of the everything else!! I do not know what to call it. Basic life necessities such as work and school, that is one that, that I can handle with ease. It is just everything outside of that, that is what has me about ready to go climb in a box and never come out again. Again, eyes of Faith.

Lord, help me.


  1. You have always been good at facing...and overcoming obstacles. Very proud of you!

  2. You've got a great head on your shoulders. I've never worried about you overcoming challenges. I am fully tracking that some obstacles in life seem overwhelming. Just keep breathing Baby. You'll do fine and you're doing great. As for faith, I've got full faith in you.
