Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thinking Deeply...

     Falling. The air pushing past me in a forceful rush, as if speeding to get somewhere. How long I have been falling, I really do not know. Falling? No, floating. I have been floating. I have no feeling in my stomach, no sensation as if I have left it behind. But why am I floating? Maybe this is normal? Maybe this is how it has always been. No memories come to mind, no images appear from the fog that has consumed my inner eye, nothing to tell me if things were ever different than this. So I let it go, giving in to the relentless rush of wind.

    Why is it that we compare ourselves to others? Does the rose look at it's fellow roses and wish to be different? Does a caterpillar wonder if it will be beautiful like it's ancestors? Then why do we feel the need to do this? Yes, one would argue that it is to better ourselves, learning from others and their mistakes. But does that same person not dissect another's good deeds for the single purpose of putting themselves down for not doing those same deeds? What about appearances? Why inspect someone and wish your eyes were that bright, or you hair that long, or your skin that clear? Why not look in the mirror with the same perspective you use when investigating others looks? Find the light green specks in your hazelnut eyes, discover the golden tones in your blonde hair, or the light step in your stride. Has the idea crossed your mind that someone may very well be looking at you, wishing they had your skin tone, or your eye color?

      I am not sure how much more I am up to really typing. It is late and my desire to be creative is nearly done with for the time being. One thing I wanted to touch on was perspective. I am not sure if I have already talked about this topic or not, but that is not my problem :)
            Nothing is absolutely certain. Example, there are people that are color blind. What if they see things as they really are, and we are the ones that are color blind? What if the sky that we see as blue, what if it was actually red? Of course, we wouldn't know the difference because we see it as blue, so it must be true that the sky is blue and not red. There are so many different things that can have so many different ways to see that thing. Like my earlier paragraph, the way we see someone is very likely to be different from how they see themselves. We see a pretty girl, but she may see a boring face. We see a gorgeous sunny day, someone else may see hot and sticky mess.
     I really enjoy these topics of perspective and reality. So many possibilities, and nothing to prove them true or false.

Night all :)