Sunday, October 16, 2011

It all began with a plant...

Well, I promised to keep updates on my little caterpillar. I guess I didn't do to well on that bit. But here is the ultimate update ever. From beginning to the end of the process, here is my lil Tersa Sphinx.

Caterpillar is resting after eating all day

Now it is eating again.

 I found him crawling around on the bathroom floor so I put him in a container with some of my Penta plant's leaves. Over night he dragged them all to a corner and webbed them together. He started to turn brown shortly thereafter.
 He would toss and turn every couple of hours. Very interesting.
He is just chillin now.

Arial view

 He started cocooning. He creates this liquid that I guess helps change his skin into this odd casing. It was kind of gross. I thought he had died at first.
 Cocoon!! Success!!

Tersa Sphinx Hummingbird Moth. He is almost the size of my palm.

 Wish you could have heard this thing flying around. It was INSANE!! Sounded like a mini helicopter flying around. And his little antenna look like bat ears. Its crazy.
Drying off

            So there you have it. Not too many pictures, but its enough to see the process I suppose. One of the cooler things about this whole thing is that it came out of its cocoon sometime on my birthday!! It's cocoon casing was already dried out and the liquid that it was in was dry as well. So yay! We share the same birthday! Happy Birthday Mr Moth!!

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