Monday, October 10, 2011

What to do, what to do...

                                  I guess things have finally started. Finally. My lovey is on his way over to his final destination and right now it feels like I am looking down the longest tunnel I have ever been through. But the thing about tunnels is that they pass through rather quickly. Unless you are walking. Then it just seems to take eternity. I hope I'm sitting on a train personally. I would rather not think that this next year is going to take forever, like walking through the longest tunnel ever. But when all is said and done, he will be home, and I will have one more year of school under my belt, and one less year of writing out the botanical names for River Birch and Sago Palms (Betula nigra and Cycas revoluta)

                      Not else much is new, so I don't really have much else to say. Oh, except I can not wait for the state fair to end. It has taken only two days for me to hate the general public. At least the public that cusses me out because they can't successfully keep the 5 goldfish they won in a bowl. Sure, we are making a lot off of goldfish tanks and bowls and what-have-you, but I don't think my sanity is worth losing for money I am not going to be putting in my pocket. Just take your goldfish, and throw it in the lake nearest you. It will save you the heartache, and the fish it's life. :)


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