Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daughter and girlfriend of departing Soldiers...

     Everyday I look at the sky whether it is cloudy, sunny, or some shade in-between, and I thank God for another day where I have the option to continue on with my life. I thank him for the opportunities that he has given me, and I thank him for the people he has placed in my life. The past few months however, I have thanked him mainly for the busy, mind numbing body draining schedule that I've found myself in. I am working nearly full time at work, and I am driving an hour and a half round trip everyday for school which most days last from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is definitely a tiring routine, and requires a focused mind so I have no time to let it wander onto more saddening thoughts.

            That is where I am leading to, the more saddening thoughts. My boyfriend, who also just happens to be one of my closest friends, is soon to be shipped overseas for X amount of time. I grew up seeing my dad walk out of our door every few years for his own deployments and during those times I was a witness to the heartache my mother had to endure each and every time. I hate to say this but it wasn't till my dad's previous deployment that it really hit me that I may lose my father. I guess I had grown up a lot between his trips overseas? I had never really thought about what it meant when my father was ordered to go to Iraq, or Afghanistan until his last deployment. Well, he is about to leave again, and that is possibly a month after my own sweetheart is supposed to ship out. My mom always told me to find someone who wasn't in the Army. Well, I can see why she would say that now. I would not trade my Lane for anything though. As much as it breaks my heart to have him leave for a constantly changing amount of time, I don't think I could ever picture myself standing next to someone else. Mama, if you are able to stay behind while your husband is on another continent time and time again, I think I will be able to pull through it too. We are both told often that I take after you after all.

                      I guess it is just one of those things where you just have to hold your head up high, pray for the best, and cry quietly when you can safely let down your defenses.

                     Thank you God for my job and my loaded school schedule. Thank you for friends and family who will always stand beside me. Thank you for my wonderful soldiers. Especially my soldiers.

            Daddy, I love you with all of my heart and I want you to return home safely.

            Lane, I love you with everything that I am and I want you to come back home as quickly as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I pray for the same things you pray for 'Princess"... and I pray for you as well... :)
