Friday, August 19, 2011

Week 1..

            I have just successfully completed my first week of school. Why can the starting process not be a simple 1-2-3 step program? But that is all in the past. Hopefully. I had to drop two classes and take up three. My Plant Materials teacher, Ms Hill, explained to me that I did not need History, nor did I need my economics class. Thank the Lord!! I didn't want them in the first place. So, I instead took up Intro to Irrigation, Green Industry Seminar, and Leadership Management. On a side note, I am only one of 2 women, Ms Hill excluded, in my classes of 12 or so students. 

             I also had to replace two of my tires. It seems that the one that has been flat before was possibly messed up internally, and the other was beginning to break apart. Needless to say, I now have two good tires, and my car no longer shakes between 60 and 70 mph :) Thanks goes to my awesome Aunt for her help, and my father for his advice <3

            Alongside school, I also work as part time at a large branch pet store. Well I definitely worked this week, and I am only half done with my shifts. But that is okay because I love my job!! It is just a home away from home if you will. On that note, I must go finish cleaning my fish tank and sit around the house before I go to work =) Im supposed to be training a new guy today. And not that I'm keeping track or anything, but he will be the 5th person I've trained since I've been working there. ;) It just goes to show, if you work hard and you do what you are supposed to, you will almost always become an important asset to your place of employment.

           I do believe this is the end of all I really wanted to talk about this time around. Maybe my next one will be full of drama and complaints. Or I'll just go into a long list of why I am excited about my classes.


1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs. Keep 'em coming.
