Saturday, August 13, 2011

You probably never knew this but..

"She is always upbeat, never complains about a thing." "She has been working and going to school and not once have I heard her say something negative." "Such a sweet girl, always friendly."
        Yes, I'm describing myself, yes other people have said this about me, and yes, I know it sounds like I may be bragging, but in all honesty, I'm not. If anything, I may just be the opposite, in some cases. At work, I try my best to put on a smile. At school, I try to stay awake. At home, I try to keep things put away (not too good at this one). What you don't know is that I am in constant danger of exploding. What I am trying to say is, I've got a little smudge of icky on my personality record of niceness. Under this cute little exterior of sunshine and lollipops resides Naomi, complainer extraordinaire.

        Today, 8/13/11, a number of things happened. Now, unlike most movie situations where the main character chooses the good news first, I'm just going to splurt out the bad stuff. But don't worry, I have some good bits to tell afterwards.
        Now, first things first. I know there are handicapped people, and I love most of them to death, so their usage of a handicapped parking spot shows no blip on my radar of irritations. However, finding a car running, with someone in the drivers seat, with no handicap card hanging off the rear-view mirror, nor a special license plate on their vehicle, I believe I have a right to feel a little outraged. Now, I understand that I don't know their reasons for being there in the first place, and they may in fact have every right to be there, but then again, they could just be lazy sonofaguns that don't know what parking legally means. That was just the start of my day.
        Not only do I see situations like this, but I deal with people that would actually do this without a second thought. I will repeat myself. I don't know their reasons, and I don't actually know if they would attempt this, but if they did, I would NOT be surprised in the slightest. Scouts honor. So, fast forward 30 minutes. Now I am at work, and I ask this nice, lovely, sweet, kind woman if I can help her with anything. (If you do not notice this, I am coating this with extreme amounts of sarcasm). She would like me to pull a bearded dragon out for her.
Bearded Dragon
In happy lala land, she might have possibly been polite. In cold harsh reality, it came out more like "Get this dragon out for me. I want this one right here because he loves me already. Then you need to tell me what all I need for him. Oh, and I don't need a container because Im just going to carry him around. He'll be mine anyways. If you could hurry up, that would be super." You may be thinking "Naomi, you're probably just over-reacting." Well, maybe I could agree with you. But then again, you also did not hear her degrading tone she used as well =] Doesn't it just make you all warm and toasty inside when someone believes you are there to serve them on bended knee? I get all smiley just thinking about it. It didn't help the situation either when another woman came up, told me i was wrong, and proceeded to "help" my customer out. When she finally left, the woman buying the dragon asked me if I knew anything else I could help her with so she would know what Not to do. Come on, seriously? I deal with these lizards on a regular basis. If anything, they are thriving because of my coworkers and me. I was just glad that she left me with a shred of sanity to cling to, because Lord knows I would need it to deal with just about everyone else. And that was all in my first hour of today's 8 hour shift.

Now, time for a morale boost :D Got a super sweet customer compliment (thus awarding me with a free soda I might add) because I did a good job being helpful. *Side note: If you ever have ANY questions about fish, fish tanks, or color coordinating, just give me a call. Its what i'm good at it seems* This definitely helped me keep my mind off of Lipra (coworker whose name I've distorted) who is a very sensitive drama queen who doesn't give a rip about management and policies. If you feel like you are back in highschool then graduate and move somewhere else, don't complain to me because they've caught you with your phone out during store hours.
Friend "Nhoj"'s attempt at a big cheese and mouse

            Anywho. My day seems to have ended on a very peaceful, enjoyable note. I was able to enjoy a fun game of Pictionary with family and close family friends, and now it will be just a few short hours before I go with my close friend Lauren ( and her mom to go see Lane for the day. Yay!! =)

           Thats my day, and now I am off to get some (well deserved?) sleep


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